Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Tugas Pertama Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Muhammad Ridanto Hutomo
Kelas : 4ea23
Npm : 15212056

1. Buatlah kalimat yang mengandung Subject, Verb,Complement dan Modifier. Buat 3 kalimat serta keterangannya !

Rina / is watching / movie / tonight
Subject /  verb phrase / complement / modifier of time

They / have visited / the officer / yesterday
Subject / verb phrase / complement / modifier

He / should / have brought shirt / tomorrow
Subject / verb phrase / complement / modifier of time

2. Buatlah contoh kalimat Present Tense, Past Tense dan Future Tense !


She always washes her face before going to bed.
Working whole day makes my body so tired, I need to take a rest
Mother always takes care her child every time.


My mother cooked fried chicken for my birthday party last week
Jokowi won the president election several months ago
I tried to call you yesterday, but no one picked up my phone


They will visit Jakarta tonight
I will go to spain tommorow
Will you work today?

3. Jelaskan fungsi verb agreement ? dan buatlah contoh kalimat yang mengandung Either, Neither dan Gerund !

Subject verb agreement adalah persesuaian antara verb (kata kerja) dengan subject kalimat dalam hal number, yaitu singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak).

Either you choose to help me or you can leave me alone

I will not go to campus tomorrow morning, and neither will Mia

Reading automotive magazine is my hobby

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