Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

Pengertian dan Tujuan Koperasi

Pengertian Koperasi
Pengertian pengertian pokok tentang Koperasi :
1. Merupakan perkumpulan orang orang termasuk badan hukum yang mempunyai kepentingan dan tujuan yang sama.
2. Menggabungkan diri secara sukarela menjadi anggota dan mempunyai hak dan kewajiban yang sama sebagai pencerminan demokrasi dalam ekonomi.
3. Kerugian dan keuntungan ditanggung dan dinikmati bersama secara adil.
4. Pengawasan dilakukan oleh anggota.
5. Mempunyai sifat saling tolong menolong.

Dan beberapa definisi koperasi sebagai berikut          :
1. Definisi ILO
Berikut pengertian koperasi menurut definisi ILO     :
1. Association of Persons, Koperasi adalah perkumpulan orang-orang
2. Voluntarily Joined Together, Penggabungan orang-orang berdasar kesukarelaan
3. To Achieve a Common Economic end, Terdapat tujuan ekonomi yang ingin dicapai
4.  Formation of a Democratically Controlled Business Organization, yaitu Koperasi yang dibentuk adalah suatu organisasi bisnis (badan usaha) yang diawasi dan dikendalikan secara demokratis.
5. Terdapat kontribusi yang adil terhadap modal yang dibutuhkan
6. Accepting a Fair Share of the Risk and Benefits of the Undertaking, yaitu Anggota koperasi menerima risiko dan manfaat secara seimbang

2. Definisi Chaniago
Arifinal Chaniago (1984) mendefinisikan koperasi sebagai:
1.             suatu perkumpulan yang beranggotakan orang-orang atau badan hokum
2.             memberikan kebebasan kepada anggota untuk masuk dan keluar
3.             bekerja sama secara kekeluargaan menjalankan usaha untuk mempertinggi kesejahteraan jasmaniah para anggotanya.
3. Definisi Dooren
Menurut doreen tidak ada satu pun definisi koperasi yang diterima secara umum (Nasution, M. dan M. Taufiq, 1992). Namun demikian, Dooren masih tetap memberikan definisi koperasi sebagai berikut:
There is no single definiton (for cooperative) which is generally accepted, but the common principle is that cooperative union is an associaton of member, either personal or corporate, which have voluntarily come together in pursuit of a common economic objective.
Di sini, Dooren sudah memperluas pengertian koperasi, di mana koperasi tidaklah hanya kumpulan orang-orang, akan tetapi dapat juga merupakan kumpulan dari badan-badan hukum (corporate).
4. Definisi Hatta
Moh. Hatta. Yaitu Bapak Koperasi Indonesia yang mendefinisikan koperasi sebagai berikut:
“Koperasi adalah usaha bersama untuk memperbaiki nasib penghidupan ekonomi berdasarkan tolong-menolong. Semangat tolong-menolong tersebut didorong oleh keinginan memberi jasa kepada kawan berdasarkan ’seorang buat semua dan semua buat seorang”.
5. Definisi Munkner
Munkner mendefinisikan koperasi sebagai organisasi tolong-menolong yang menjalankan “urusniaga” secara kumpulan, yang berazaskan konsep tolong-menolong.
6. Definisi UU No.25/1992
Definisi koperasi Indonesia menurut UU No. 25/1992 tentang Perkoperasian adalah sebagai berikut:
Koperasi adalah badan usaha yang beranggotakan orang seorang atau badan hukum koperasi, dengan melandaskan kegiatannya berdasarkan prinsip koperasi sekaligus sebagai gerakan ekonomi rakyat, yang berdasarkan atas azas kekeluargaan.
Koperasi Indonesia mengandung 5 unsur sebagai berikut:
1.       Koperasi adalah badan usaha (business enterprise)Sebagai badan usaha, maka koperasi harus memperoleh laba. Laba merupakan elemen kunci dalam suatu sistem usaha bisnis, di mana sistem itu akan gagal bekerja tanpa memperoleh laba.
2.       Koperasi adalah kumpulan orang-orang dan atau badan-badan hukum koperasi
3.       Koperasi Indonesia adalah koperasi yang bekerja berdasarkan “prinsip-prinsip koperasi”
4.       Koperasi Indonesia adalah “gerakan ekonomi rakyat” Koperasi Indonesia merupakan bagian dari sistem perekonomian nasional. Kegiatan usaha koperasi tidak semata-mata hanya ditujukan kepada anggota, tetapi juga kepada masyarakat umum.
5.       Koperasi Indonesia “berazaskan kekeluargaan”

Tujuan Koperasi
1. Memajukan kesejahteraan anggotanya pada khususnya dan pada masyarakat pada umumnya,
2. Ikut membangun tatanan perekonomian nasional, dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat yang maju, adil dan makmur berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945.
Fungsi koperasi berdasarkan UU No.25/1992 :
1. Membangun dan mengmbangkan potensi dan kemampuan ekonomi anggotanya pada khususnya dan pada msyarakat pada umumnya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosialnya.
2. Berperan aktif dalam upaya mempertinggi kualitas dalam upaya mempertinggi kualitas kehidupan manusia dan masyarakat.
3. Memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat sebagai dasar kekuatan dan ketahanan perekonomian nasional dengan koperasi sebagai sokogurunya.

Bersusaha untuk mewujudkan dan mengembangkan perekonomian nasinaol yang merupakan usaha bersama yang berdasar asas kekeluargaan dan demokrasi ekonomi.

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Bank asing diindonesia

Noted as one of the oldest banks in Indonesia, Standard Chartered Bank has a thriving career since 1863. We have an extensive network with 5 main branches in Java, based in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, as well as other branches in Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya. Other branches are located in Medan, North Sumatra, and in Denpasar, Bali.

Bank Indonesia is the central bank of Indonesia. Responsible for monetary policy, regulation and administration of the banking system that monitors the entire bank as well as the rights and ownership of shares in the market. The lawful currency of Indonesia is Rupiah or also known as CAD or USD. Indonesia does not have control over changes in foreign currency exchange rates or liquidity policies such as sweeping, netting and pooling. Both Indonesian citizen or foreign citizen the opportunity to open and manage their accounts either in Rupiah or foreign currency. However, Bank Indonesia banned to provide credit facilities, including overdraft facilities for foreigners.

Standard Chartered Bank understands the importance of time, comfort and efficiency to your business success. Our mission is to simplify your financial world, while helping you maximize your opportunity.

With 145 years of experience in the financial business and extensive international network, we prepared a series of flexible and innovative services wherever you are. We are committed to helping you be able to face international competition. Our products and services are continuing to evolve to keep up with the needs and adjust the vision and mission of your business.

Softskill bahasa inggris pertemuan 3 Job Condition

Job Conditions
Worker’s Rating
Manager’s Rating
Full Appreciation for work done
5)  appreciation is very important to motivate workers
6) appreciation is given in order to provide better system performance in the company
Feeling ‘in’ on things
4) As a staff on a company most of workers have to feel ‘comfort’ on a place where they worked in.the another employees behavior and the job is the point to decide whats workers feels about the job.
9) Feeling in on things, where managers feel a discrepancy in the company and handle it wisely and professionally
Sympathetic Understanding and Personal problems
6) workers also need a sympathetic understanding of the people about the personal problems, so as not to interfere with his job
10) personal problems are not taken to work at the office
Job security
1)  Safety is preferred in order to avoid accidents  during production
4) work safety important because by the time we ignore the work safety, then the at the that's when possibility work accident will happen
Good Wages
7) wage workers less than the manager due to lack of experience and education
2) managers wage is greater than the workers due to the professionalism and level of higher education
Interesting Work
10) workers also wanted an interesting job, so that workers feel comfortable and enjoy their work so get a satisfactory outcome for the company and himself
3) a lot of people who want a job as a manager
Promotion & Growith company
8) workers also do promotions that the company's growth to be faster and more advanced
7) manager who was instrumental in the promotion and growth of the company due to managers who manage the activities of the company to employees
Management loyalty to workers
9) They need it too but not as big as workers because if you’re well-graduated people,some company still used you even when you’re not young anymore
8) as a sense of pride in employees a sense of loyalty to the company, the manager gives most loyalty
Good Working conditions
3) each worker must work in good condition for the company to achieve targeted goals
5)  important for managers because managers control greatly affect the performance of the company
2) workers have to disciplined so as not to waste time useless
1) managers have to disciplined in order to get the job done well

Selasa, 30 April 2013

high cost economy in indonesia

High Cost Economy In Indonesia

Government asked to anticipate and prepare to planning related to high cost of subsidized fuel, because of high cost of subsidized fuel usually responsed by market in order to increase cost of goods and services.

According to deputy treasurer of golkar party, Bambang Soesatwo, in experience of high cost subsidized fuel could make people who had less income and poor people incur loss. Sometimes, high mark-up and speculative.  

The main issue is that government have to face is to fokus in marking-up of staple goods including transportation and groceries. Groceries, especially, will influent  in high cost of subsidized fuel and next followed by transportation.

Sooner or later, the market will responsed to high cost of subsidized fuel in order to increase cost of staple goods, begins with rice, vegetables, up to meat. High cost of goods due to high cost of distribution.

Senin, 29 April 2013

Dialog Bahasa Inggris Periode 2


Susan Barnes is a derk-typist at raliant insurance. She is an excellent worker. This morning she want to see mr.Harris,the officer manager and handed him a letter saying that she was giving up her job. Mr.Harris didn’t want susan to leave. So he tried to persuade her to change her mind.

Mr.Harris             : Good morning Ms.Susan!
Susan                    : Morning Mr.Harris!
Mr.Harris             : I just see your resignment letter today from my secretary,is that true?
Susan                    : Yes sir,Im sorry but I got something more important than my job.
Mr.Harris             : What is it?
Susan                    : My son got cum laude and transferred into Busan.
Mr.Harris             : wow,congratulations about your son,so you want to move there?
Susan                    : Yes sir.
Mr.Harris             : Its hard to release good worker like you susan.could we get another solutions?
Susan                    : Im not sure sir,but when I know I’ll tell you.
Mr.Harris             : There’s  a lot of job that another employees could do without your help.
Susan                    : you can ask jane.
Mr.Harris             : You know,I don’t really like jane,that’s why I always handed the job to you.
Susan                    : Oh,For real?
Mr.Harris             : Yes.
Susan                    : But Im not sure if I can finish the job outside America.
Mr.Harris             : That’s why I don’t want you to retire.
Susan                    : What is going on with jane?
Mr.Harris             : She’s such a hypo,I don’t really like what she said. Too high.
Susan                    : Everyone knows her,Yeah you right
Mr.Harris             : Tell your son you’ll go after him when you finish all the task.
Susan                    : I cant sir,cause he didn’t have anyone to know there.
Mr.Harris             : no Acquaintances?
Susan                    : Not at all sir,we’re newcomers.
Mr.Harris             : let me think again.
Susan                    : ….
Mr.Harris             : Anna! Come here!
Anna                     : Yes sir,you need some help?
Mr.Harris             : do we have another branch in asia?
Anna                     : Yes sir,we’ve got 39 branch on asia.
Mr.Harris             : One of them in korea?
Anna                     : Yes sir but its not officially opened.
Mr.Harris             : Good,I’ll call the boss to take care of it.thanks for the help,you can go back to work.
Anna                     : Okay sir.
Mr.Harris             : See susan,you don’t have to quit the job.
Susan                    : Thanks sir,you really help
Mr.Harris             : The boss would be so much disappointed if he lose good worker like you.
Susan                    : thank you,you’re nice person
Mr.Harris             : Not exactly,you could go back to work
Susan                    : Yes sir,
Mr.Harris             : Ah,Have you take care of your passport?
Susan                    : Already sir.
Mr.Harris             : Good I’ll confirm your transfer to busan tomorrow.
Susan                    : thanks a lot sir,good morning

Mr.Harris             : Morning.          

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Indonesia Offers Sizable Opportunity Because of Rising Middle-Class and Affluent Consumers

Indonesia is at the early stages of a period of strong economic growth, creating a wave of new middle-class and affluent consumers (MACs) that will grow in both size and purchasing power through 2020, according to a new report by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The report, Asia’s Next Big Opportunity: Indonesia’s Rising Middle-Class and Affluent Consumers, is being released today.

With the fourth-biggest population in the world (including a high proportion of working-age people), a stable political climate, and strong local demand, Indonesia’s economy is currently growing at 6.4 percent a year. Such growth is lifting millions from lower-income socioeconomic levels into the MAC categories. The number of MACs in Indonesia is projected to double between 2012 and 2020, from 74 million to 141 million. At that point, the island of Java alone will have more MACs than the entire population of Thailand.

“These consumers are the sweet spot of this market,” said Vaishali Rastogi, a BCG partner and coauthor of the report. “They’re beginning to move beyond basic necessities to products that offer greater convenience and comfort, such as home durables, white goods, cars, and financial services.”

Despite this opportunity, very little has been written thus far about the MACs in Indonesia. To address this gap, BCG’s Center for Consumer and Customer Insight (CCCI) developed a proprietary population and spending model to analyze Indonesia’s MACs. The model looks at demographic indicators across seven islands, 33 provinces, 99 cities (or kota), and 393 regencies (kabupaten). It also analyzes spending data in key categories, including food, utilities, household supplies, and transportation. In September 2012, the CCCI also conducted quantitative research covering 3,950 consumers in 31 cities and regencies across Indonesia, as well as qualitative research through focus group discussions and in-home-visits.

The report discusses these findings in detail, giving companies a holistic picture of this emerging population, including its regional trends, preferred retail and marketing channels, and the key drivers that lead to purchases.

Family and Functionality Are Key

The data show that Indonesian consumers tend to be extremely family oriented, and as they move from lower-income classes into the middle and affluent classes, they are more likely to buy things that improve living conditions for their families than splurging on themselves. Some 63 percent say they never spend on themselves until the needs of the family have been met (compared with 46 percent in China). Such findings point to categories in which consumers would be willing to trade up as they enter the MAC segment, such as education, home renovations, consumer durables, and health care.

Similarly, the data show that even when MACs splurge on big-ticket items, they justify their purchases by focusing on functional benefits. For example, home durable products are viewed as long-term investments. Consumers justify the purchase of DVD players and flat-screen televisions as a way to save money on going out to the movies. “This has implications for the way that companies market their products,” said Dean Tong, a BCG partner and coauthor of the report. “Because functionality is so crucial, brand name recognition and clear messaging regarding product features will become increasingly important.”

Regional Shifts

The report also discusses regional trends that companies must understand if they are to effectively reach MACs. The MAC population is becoming more dispersed. Indonesia currently has 12 cities with more than 1 million MACs. By 2020, however, this number will roughly double, to 22 cities with more than 1 million MACs (including emerging cities such as Palembang, Makassar, Batam, Semarang, Pekanbaru, and Padang).

This dispersal is very important for companies that target the MAC population. “Companies that are currently reaching 50 percent of the MAC base will need to double their regional presence if they want to maintain the same level of reach,” said Eddy Tamboto, a BCG partner and coauthor of the report. “They will need to think about how they operate and scale up, how the organize their sales forces and supply-chain networks, and how they distribute goods to address demand in the lower-tier cities that they might have overlooked before.”

Asia’s Next Big Opportunity: Indonesia’s Rising Middle-Class and Affluent Consumers offers critical quantitative and qualitative insights that can help companies better understand Indonesia’s growing base of MACs.

sumber : http://www.bcg.com/media/PressReleaseDetails.aspx?id=tcm:12-129295

english dialogue

i: hy sandy
s: hy also
i: how are you ?
s: I’m fine, how are you too?
i: how I was doing well. where you now work?
s: I work at the company majumundur. If you own work where?
i: that I work in the company rinduorder
s: oh yeah by the way the company you what else there is a vacancy to be a security guard?
i: i do not know too san. other times I let you know again
s: oh well so I'll wait for word from you.
i: what  your own  company work in the sector?
s: I work in the sector of packaged snacks.
i: you're working in enterprise how much you pay monthly 
s: my monthly salary of 2.5 million dollars. how  your own  company work in the sector?
i: I work in the sector of machine production heavy equipment.
s: how much you pay monthly  in the company?
i: my monthly salary of 2.3 million dollars
s: how do you promote the goods at the company? through a company or supplier
i: I promote it in companies that require heavy equipment. how in your own company to promote their goods?
s: if I direct a vendor in collaboration with other companies
i: how do you manufacture goods in the company?

s: first, I’m order on the Krakatau steel company in the next straight using the machine.

i: What do how long have you worked at the company?
s: I worked at this company more or less 2 years
i: when do you intend to get married?
s: so far I don’t  think to marry. How long have you worked at the company?
i: if i have 1 year in the company
s: how the systems in your enterprise. permanent or contract work still
i: still a contract
s: benefits of the goods you produce what?
i: various kinds can san to pave roads and transport goods, what is the company you can make canned biscuits too?
s: dependent part. when I specifically made ​​the snacks alone. How is your company's decision making when the amount of demand less than supply ?
i : My company will reduce the number of factors of production when demand decreases. so that the total cost can be cheaper
s : very smart way of decision making.
i: oh yeah when you come to my house?
s: okay it's easy to come to your house
i: what your vehicle come here?
s: I ride motorcycles
i: okay I go home first
s: okay to be careful on the road
i: okay

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

teknologi ban, tanpa angin

Melihat perkembangan teknologi semakin lama semakin maju dan semakin bikin mumet juga, kali ini ane mau bahas tentang teknologi ban airless, anti bocor, anti angin tapi pastinya belom anti maling hahaha

bannya bertekstur lentur

teknologi airless sendiri dikembangkan oleh perusahaan asal perancis yang bernama michelin, teknologi ban ini memiliki karakteristik lentur, bisa ngelewatin segala medan, bentuknya bisa ngikutin kontur jalan, dan pokoknya CETAR MEMBAHANA lah kalo kagak percaya ente cek aja video dibawah..! cekicrot

bentuknya mirip sarang tawon ya :D

 kagak kebayang kan kalo ini ban di produksi massal pasti tukang tebar paku ama tukang tambel ban bisa gulung tiker massal hahaha eitsss yang tukang tebar paku jangan tersinggung yah hhehe

Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

bore up supra x 125cc jadi 145,09cc

Berhubung ane ada waktu senggang ane mau sharing nih kepada brother2 n sister2 khusus pengguna mulai dari kirana, kharisma, n supra x 125 tentang gimana caranya supaya motor bapak2 yang satu ini bisa berlari secepat atau melebihi satria FU OEM (std pabrikan)

bahan2 yang diperlukan :

1. sebongkah seher original kawasaki blitzjoy oz50 (ukuran 56,5mm) kalau susah nyari barangnya yang NPP juga bisa. Harap diingat belinya sepaket piston / seher, ring piston, pen pistonnya juga..!

  • kenapa ane gunakan piston / seher blitzjoy..? 
  • dikarenakan masih minim ubahan, sebenernya bisa kalau mau memakai ukuran diatas seher itu semisal :
  1. Seher thunder (57mm ada ubahan di pen).
  2. Seher sonic (58mm beli boring baru ama bobok crankcase ganti klep n per klep ).
  3. Seher tiger, kawasaki boss, scorpio (63 - 72mm beli boring, ama bobok crankcase, rubah sudut klep, beli klep, perklep n ngecor jalur oli).

2. Bahan pertama udah siap tinggal ente bawa ketukang bubut blok sehernya (boring), dan selalu inget dibawa juga sehernya buat nyesuaikan ke boringnya.

JANGAN PERNAH SEKALI KALI bawa blok seher tanpa sehernya karena nanti gak akan presisi, efeknya itu fatal banget suara mesin kayak mesin jahit ditambah mesinnya bisa berubah jadi 2tak aka ngebul.

3. noken as custom bro karena percuma mau beli yang racing juga bakal dibubut ulang, noken as itu menyesuaikan kebutuhan mesin ente, mau trek panjang, pendek bisa diatur karena kunci motor 4tak ada di noken as alias camshaft.

4. Rubah squishnya (squish itu artinya kubah di head silinder) ini yang digambar model bathub, biar ente gak ribet bilang aja berapa derajat supaya kompresinya gak terlalu padat atau kegedean, biar bisa minum bensin subsidi juga.

5. karburator nsr sp 28mm (inget yg thailand punya kalo yang kw ane gak tanggung jawab kalo motor ente brebet) dan perlu diperhatikan warnanya kalo yang asli tuh rada2 keabu abuan finishing rapih, kalau yang kw yg warna terang.

6. kalo udah beli karbu jangan lupa beli intake, percuma juga kalo udah beli karbu, karbunya kagak bakalan bisa kepasang.

Cari intake yang karetnya gak gampang sobek (dulu si ane pake selang fiber yg ukurannya 30mm tp jangan ditiru ya bro).

7. cdi brt dualband / hyperband sama aja kalo menurut ane.

8. porting polish lobang in dan kalo bisa lobang ex (lobang head pembuangan yg di kenalpot) bentuknya huruf D, karena efek turbulensinya bagus dan flow pembuangan jadi lancar.

9. bak kopling manual karena kalo kagak pake kopling manual bisa "standing dan terbang". #umarbakrie

10. Knalpot racing, kalo bisa handmade karena kalo handmade sang pengrajin knalpot menyesuaikan kebutuhan mesin kita dan mampu menghidupkan ukm lokal yang sedang merintis #sokbijak. B)

11. sebenernya sih klep perlu dirubah tapi buat harian ini bkn buat balap ane rasa klep standar masih bisa lah.

12. Kanvas rem ini terlihat sepele tapi kalo kagak ada ini part bawa 50kpj aja mikir 2 kali.

kalo udah terpenuhi semua bawa kebengkel kepercayaan bro n sist kalo bisa sih yang udah kenal akrab (bengkel balap resmi / liar kalo bisa jgn bengkel resmi) ane pengalaman bawa ke ah*as kondisi udah bore up settingan klep dibikin rapet, gokil besoknya langsung jebol.

  • Nih gan hasilnya, keren gak ?
  • Kagak ah, kalo alay iya huahahaha

History :
kecepatan yang pernah diraih on speedo 140km/j ditempuh dijarak 600meter, pernah ngebabat satria FU spek knalpotan ama ban cacing (kalo FUnya korek juga mah pastinya ane yang kalah), vixion knalpotan, mx sama2 bore up, shogun SP, city sport 1, lamborghini gallardo (lagi parkir)..

  • Abis berapa gan kalo dibikin alay begitu ?
  • 2,5jt mah raib gan
Inget gan hormati pengguna jalan lain, gunakan helm berstandar nasional ataupun internasional guna mengurangi resiko cedera serius dari kecelakaan berkendara. Dan selalu inget slogan fiesta "Because safety can be fun"

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

yovie n nuno GALAU

Tahukah hatiku galau
Tak tahu harus melangkah
Sejak pertama mata jatuh menatap
Hatiku tak pernah dusta

reff :
Bila cintaku ini salah
Hatiku tetap untukmu
Namun kenyataannya parah
Dirimu tak pernah untukku

Mencoba lupakan keinginan hati
Namun tak ingin ku menyerah
Tapi mengapa bila ku mendekat
Rasanya semakin jauh

back to reff :

Ternyata ku hanya bisa ooo
Menggapaimu di mimpiku
Namun kenyataannya parah
Dirimu (dirimu) tak pernah untukku
(bila cintaku ini salah
Hatiku tetap untukmu
Namun kenyataannya parah
Dirimu) dirimu (tak pernah untukku)

back to reff :

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013


Mungkin sekarang kau telah melupakanku
Dan mungkin sekarang kau bahagia disana
Tapi di sini ku merindukanmu
And I hope you came back again…

Cinta yang ku berikan
kiniii…telah sia sia..
Hanya,,, untuk kamu,
semuaaanya.. akan ku lakukan

Tapi kau sia siakaan semua yang ku berikan
Jujur hanya dirimu slaluu.. di dalam hatiku
Dan ku percayakan akaaann cinta darimuu….
Tapii semua itu kau khianati begitu saja..

Sudahilah semua sampai disini
Perpisahan kita tuk selamanya
Tetapi hatiku masih ada kamu
Untuk selalu bersama denganku

Mungkin sekarang kau telah melupakanku
Dan mungkin sekarang kau bahagia disana
but here I miss you
and I hope you came back again

Tapi semua itu…kau khianati begitu saja

Back too reff…2x
And I hope you come back again