Selasa, 30 April 2013

high cost economy in indonesia

High Cost Economy In Indonesia

Government asked to anticipate and prepare to planning related to high cost of subsidized fuel, because of high cost of subsidized fuel usually responsed by market in order to increase cost of goods and services.

According to deputy treasurer of golkar party, Bambang Soesatwo, in experience of high cost subsidized fuel could make people who had less income and poor people incur loss. Sometimes, high mark-up and speculative.  

The main issue is that government have to face is to fokus in marking-up of staple goods including transportation and groceries. Groceries, especially, will influent  in high cost of subsidized fuel and next followed by transportation.

Sooner or later, the market will responsed to high cost of subsidized fuel in order to increase cost of staple goods, begins with rice, vegetables, up to meat. High cost of goods due to high cost of distribution.

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