Noted as one of the oldest banks in Indonesia, Standard Chartered Bank has a thriving career since 1863. We have an extensive network with 5 main branches in Java, based in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, as well as other branches in Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya. Other branches are located in Medan, North Sumatra, and in Denpasar, Bali.
Bank Indonesia is the central bank of Indonesia. Responsible for monetary policy, regulation and administration of the banking system that monitors the entire bank as well as the rights and ownership of shares in the market. The lawful currency of Indonesia is Rupiah or also known as CAD or USD. Indonesia does not have control over changes in foreign currency exchange rates or liquidity policies such as sweeping, netting and pooling. Both Indonesian citizen or foreign citizen the opportunity to open and manage their accounts either in Rupiah or foreign currency. However, Bank Indonesia banned to provide credit facilities, including overdraft facilities for foreigners.
Standard Chartered Bank understands the importance of time, comfort and efficiency to your business success. Our mission is to simplify your financial world, while helping you maximize your opportunity.
With 145 years of experience in the financial business and extensive international network, we prepared a series of flexible and innovative services wherever you are. We are committed to helping you be able to face international competition. Our products and services are continuing to evolve to keep up with the needs and adjust the vision and mission of your business.