Selasa, 30 April 2013

high cost economy in indonesia

High Cost Economy In Indonesia

Government asked to anticipate and prepare to planning related to high cost of subsidized fuel, because of high cost of subsidized fuel usually responsed by market in order to increase cost of goods and services.

According to deputy treasurer of golkar party, Bambang Soesatwo, in experience of high cost subsidized fuel could make people who had less income and poor people incur loss. Sometimes, high mark-up and speculative.  

The main issue is that government have to face is to fokus in marking-up of staple goods including transportation and groceries. Groceries, especially, will influent  in high cost of subsidized fuel and next followed by transportation.

Sooner or later, the market will responsed to high cost of subsidized fuel in order to increase cost of staple goods, begins with rice, vegetables, up to meat. High cost of goods due to high cost of distribution.

Senin, 29 April 2013

Dialog Bahasa Inggris Periode 2


Susan Barnes is a derk-typist at raliant insurance. She is an excellent worker. This morning she want to see mr.Harris,the officer manager and handed him a letter saying that she was giving up her job. Mr.Harris didn’t want susan to leave. So he tried to persuade her to change her mind.

Mr.Harris             : Good morning Ms.Susan!
Susan                    : Morning Mr.Harris!
Mr.Harris             : I just see your resignment letter today from my secretary,is that true?
Susan                    : Yes sir,Im sorry but I got something more important than my job.
Mr.Harris             : What is it?
Susan                    : My son got cum laude and transferred into Busan.
Mr.Harris             : wow,congratulations about your son,so you want to move there?
Susan                    : Yes sir.
Mr.Harris             : Its hard to release good worker like you susan.could we get another solutions?
Susan                    : Im not sure sir,but when I know I’ll tell you.
Mr.Harris             : There’s  a lot of job that another employees could do without your help.
Susan                    : you can ask jane.
Mr.Harris             : You know,I don’t really like jane,that’s why I always handed the job to you.
Susan                    : Oh,For real?
Mr.Harris             : Yes.
Susan                    : But Im not sure if I can finish the job outside America.
Mr.Harris             : That’s why I don’t want you to retire.
Susan                    : What is going on with jane?
Mr.Harris             : She’s such a hypo,I don’t really like what she said. Too high.
Susan                    : Everyone knows her,Yeah you right
Mr.Harris             : Tell your son you’ll go after him when you finish all the task.
Susan                    : I cant sir,cause he didn’t have anyone to know there.
Mr.Harris             : no Acquaintances?
Susan                    : Not at all sir,we’re newcomers.
Mr.Harris             : let me think again.
Susan                    : ….
Mr.Harris             : Anna! Come here!
Anna                     : Yes sir,you need some help?
Mr.Harris             : do we have another branch in asia?
Anna                     : Yes sir,we’ve got 39 branch on asia.
Mr.Harris             : One of them in korea?
Anna                     : Yes sir but its not officially opened.
Mr.Harris             : Good,I’ll call the boss to take care of it.thanks for the help,you can go back to work.
Anna                     : Okay sir.
Mr.Harris             : See susan,you don’t have to quit the job.
Susan                    : Thanks sir,you really help
Mr.Harris             : The boss would be so much disappointed if he lose good worker like you.
Susan                    : thank you,you’re nice person
Mr.Harris             : Not exactly,you could go back to work
Susan                    : Yes sir,
Mr.Harris             : Ah,Have you take care of your passport?
Susan                    : Already sir.
Mr.Harris             : Good I’ll confirm your transfer to busan tomorrow.
Susan                    : thanks a lot sir,good morning

Mr.Harris             : Morning.